
2012 Goals and Resolutions

So I am so not a resolution type of girl. I normally blow them off within a couple of weeks...or was it days in the new year. This year, I determined to break the mold. Fresh off my weight release challenge that I participated in my job for the last 3 months, I want to continue to momentum to push and challenge myself.  I lost a 36lbs by the way but have gained some back to due the Holidays =). So here I declare on the great web my personal and home goals for 2012.

Personal Goals
  1. De-clutter my life and become more organized. 
  2. Find and do more family activities.
  3. Exercise at least 3 times a week or more.
  4. Commit to a more plant based diet transitioning to a vegetarian possibly vegan diet.
  5. Treat Yo Self (or rather myself)
Home Goals

  • Tackle the sunroom. Do the works - new flooring, wall treatment, finish updating the current furniture,  finish building daybed.

  • Third bedroom - lay down new flooring, create cottage atmosphere, new light fixtures

  • Dining Room / Kitchen - open up the wall, create a pantry near the basement steps

So there are my goals for 2012, hopefully post about them means I will attempt majority of them. I kicked off my new years by cleaning out the third bedroom. So already off to a good start.

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' the post! Good luck in all of your endevors!

    But check out this post about not going vegitarian or vegan.. it's not as healthy as the media makes it out to be http://buzzardsbeat.blogspot.com/2011/07/vegetarian-lifestyle-doesnt-always-mean.html



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